A holy technique for enlightenment, now presented for the first time by HH Swamiji
“This most powerful kriya is given to us from great saints. Our Lord Sri Devpuriji, Lord Shiva, His glory is in His thousand names. Abunaath Avadhuta, the Lord of the Mount Abu. Sri Devpuriji was also known as Avadhuta sannyasi, fearless, Jivanmukta, and for such yogis even Vishnu and Brahma are in their seva. His Anubhuti (experience) is our Abhyasa (practice). We have to practice to reach His Anubhuti, which is called Amrit Bindu.
So this Abunaath-Avadhuta-Abhyasa-Anubhuti-Amrit-Bindu-Kriya I gave you contains a complete list of addresses, it is a navigator which will lead you to this destination. There you will be happy.”
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